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5 types of attraction and how they affect You

Amarjeet Kaur

July 12, 2023

5 min read


What is Attraction?

Attraction refers to the natural and often intense feelings of interest, desire, or affinity that individuals experience towards someone or something. It is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that can manifest in various domains of life, including interpersonal relationships, aesthetics, and personal preferences. Attraction involves a combination of emotional, cognitive, and physiological processes that contribute to the overall experience.

Whereas, in psychology, attraction refers to the psychological processes and factors that influence the feelings of interest, desire, and pull towards someone or something. It involves a combination of cognitive, emotional, and social factors that contribute to the experience of attraction. Understanding attraction from a psychological perspective helps shed light on the underlying mechanisms and influences that shape human relationships and interactions. Here are some key aspects of attraction in psychology:

1. Evolutionary Perspective: From an evolutionary perspective, attraction is influenced by the instinctual drive to seek partners who are likely to ensure the survival and reproduction of one`s genes. Evolutionary theories suggest that certain physical and behavioural traits, such as facial symmetry, reproductive fitness, and indicators of good health, are inherently attractive as they signal potential for successful mating and offspring.

2. Proximity and Familiarity: The mere exposure effect suggests that people tend to develop a preference for things or individuals they are exposed to frequently. Proximity and familiarity play a significant role in attraction, as individuals are more likely to form connections with people they frequently encounter, such as neighbours, classmates, or coworkers. Repeated exposure fosters a sense of familiarity and comfort, which can contribute to attraction.

3. Similarity: The similarity-attraction principle proposes that individuals are attracted to others who are similar to them in attitudes, beliefs, values, and interests. Perceiving similarities creates a sense of connection and understanding, leading to greater attraction. Similarity also fosters compatibility and facilitates smoother interactions and relationships.

4. Physical Attractiveness: Physical attractiveness is a significant factor in initial attraction. Research has consistently shown that individuals tend to be more attracted to others who are perceived as physically attractive. Attractiveness is influenced by culturally determined standards of beauty as well as innate preferences for features associated with good health, symmetry, and reproductive fitness.

5. Interpersonal Chemistry: Attraction can be influenced by interpersonal chemistry or the feeling of connection and compatibility between two individuals. This involves factors such as shared interests, a sense of humour, emotional resonance, and the ability to communicate effectively. Positive interactions, mutual understanding, and a sense of emotional closeness contribute to the development of interpersonal chemistry.

6. Attachment Styles: Attachment theory suggests that individuals develop different attachment styles based on their early experiences with caregivers. These attachment styles (e.g., secure, anxious, avoidant) can influence attraction and relationship dynamics. Individuals with secure attachment styles tend to seek and form healthy, balanced relationships, while those with insecure attachment styles may exhibit patterns of anxious or avoidant behaviour in relationships.

7. Cultural and Social Influences: Cultural and social factors play a significant role in shaping attraction. Cultural norms, values, and media representations of attractiveness influence people`s perceptions of what is desirable. Social norms and expectations also impact attraction, as individuals may be influenced by social pressure or conformity when forming relationships.

8. Emotional Attraction: Emotional attraction refers to the deep emotional connection and bond that individuals feel towards each other. It involves shared experiences, mutual understanding, and the ability to empathise and support each other emotionally. Emotional attraction is often a key factor in long-term relationships, as it contributes to intimacy and emotional fulfilment.

9. Cognitive Factors: Cognitive processes, such as self-perception and self-esteem, can influence attraction. Positive self-perception and high self-esteem can enhance one`s perception of their own attractiveness, leading to increased confidence and the ability to attract others. Cognitive biases, such as the halo effect, can also influence attraction by leading individuals to attribute positive qualities to physically attractive people.

It`s important to note that attraction is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, and the factors influencing attraction can vary across individuals and cultures. Additionally, attraction alone does not guarantee the success or longevity of a relationship. Other factors such as compatibility, communication, and shared values also contribute to the overall.

Why does attraction matter?

Attraction matters for several reasons, as it plays a significant role in various aspects of human life. Here are some key reasons why attraction is important:

1. Relationship Formation: Attraction is often the initial spark that leads to the formation of relationships, whether they be friendships, romantic partnerships, or professional connections. The experience of attraction piques our interest in others, motivating us to pursue deeper interactions and connections with them.

2. Emotional Connection: Attraction facilitates emotional connection and bonding between individuals. It allows us to form meaningful relationships based on shared experiences, mutual understanding, and emotional resonance. Emotional connection fosters intimacy, support, and a sense of belonging, which are crucial for overall well-being.

3. Personal Fulfilment: Attraction contributes to personal fulfilment and happiness. Being attracted to someone or something brings joy, excitement, and a sense of fulfilment. Whether it`s the joy of being in a loving relationship or the appreciation of beauty in art or nature, attraction enhances our subjective well-being and enriches our lives.

4. Reproduction and Family Building: Sexual attraction is essential for reproductive purposes and the continuation of the human species. Attraction towards potential mates plays a fundamental role in initiating and maintaining romantic relationships, forming families, and raising children. It drives the desire to procreate and ensures the survival of future generations.

5. Social Bonding: Attraction is crucial for social bonding and the formation of social networks. It draws individuals together, allowing for the establishment of friendships, social support systems, and a sense of belonging within communities. Social connections foster a sense of identity, shared values, and emotional support, which are vital for psychological well-being.

6. Personal and Professional Success: Attraction can influence personal and professional success. People who are perceived as attractive may benefit from the "halo effect," where positive traits and abilities are attributed to them based on their physical appearance. This can lead to advantages in social interactions, career opportunities, and overall success in various domains.

7. Psychological and Physical Health: Attraction contributes to psychological and physical health. Being attracted to others and forming close relationships has been associated with improved mental well-being, reduced stress, and increased life satisfaction. Positive social interactions and emotional connections have been shown to have a protective effect on physical health, including cardiovascular health and immune function.

8. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: Attraction can facilitate personal growth and self-discovery. Through the process of attraction, we learn more about ourselves, our preferences, and our values. It provides opportunities for self-reflection, introspection, and personal development as we navigate our desires, emotions, and relationship dynamics.

In summary, attraction matters because it is a fundamental aspect of human experience that influences our relationships, emotional well-being, social connections, and personal fulfilment. It is a driving force behind forming connections with others, experiencing joy and intimacy, and contributing to our overall happiness and success in various aspects of life.

5 Types of Attraction

In psychology, the concept of attraction is often explored through different dimensions or components. The five types of attraction we`ll discuss today are:

  • Physical Attraction: Physical attraction refers to the initial attraction based on someone`s physical appearance, including factors such as facial features, body shape, and overall attractiveness. It is influenced by evolutionary and cultural factors and can play a role in the formation of romantic or sexual relationships.
  • Sexual Attraction: Sexual attraction refers to the experience of feeling drawn to someone on a sexual level. It involves a strong desire and interest in engaging in sexual activities with a specific individual. Sexual attraction can be influenced by a variety of factors, including physical appearance, body language, pheromones, voice tone, and behavioural cues.
  • Emotional Attraction: Emotional attraction refers to the deep connection and bond individuals feel towards each other. It goes beyond physical appearance or sexual desire and is based on shared values, interests, and a sense of understanding and compatibility at an emotional level. Emotional attraction is characterised by a strong resonance and connection with another person`s emotions, thoughts, and experiences. It involves feeling understood, validated, and supported by someone on an emotional level. Emotional attraction often develops over time as individuals spend more time together, share personal stories, and engage in meaningful conversations.
  • Romantic Attraction:
  • Romantic attraction refers to the intense feelings of love, infatuation, and desire for emotional and physical intimacy with another person. It involves a strong emotional and affectionate connection that goes beyond friendship or casual relationships. Romantic attraction often forms the basis for romantic relationships and can encompass a range of emotions, desires, and behaviours.
  • Aesthetic attraction: Aesthetic attraction refers to the appreciation and attraction towards beauty and aesthetics in various forms, including art, nature, design, and other sensory experiences. It involves a deep sense of admiration, pleasure, and emotional response to visual, auditory, or sensory stimuli that are perceived as visually or experientially appealing. Aesthetic attraction can bring pleasure, inspire creativity, and contribute to personal enjoyment and well-being. It plays a role in various aspects of life, including the appreciation of art, design choices, preferences for natural scenery, and the creation of aesthetically pleasing environments.

How each type of attraction affects you

Each type of attraction can have different effects on an individual, as they elicit distinct emotional, cognitive, and behavioural responses. Here`s a brief overview of how each type of attraction can impact an individual:

1. Physical Attraction: Physical attraction can evoke feelings of desire, arousal, and a heightened interest in someone based on their physical appearance. It can lead to increased attention and focus on the person`s physical attributes and may influence initial attraction and the decision to pursue further interactions. Physical attraction can contribute to feelings of excitement and passion in romantic relationships or sexual encounters.

2. Emotional Attraction: Emotional attraction fosters a deep emotional connection and bond with another person. It can result in feelings of warmth, comfort, and a sense of understanding. Emotional attraction contributes to the development of intimacy, trust, and emotional support in relationships. It enhances the emotional well-being of individuals by providing a sense of companionship and fulfilment.

3. Romantic Attraction: Romantic attraction often elicits intense emotions and feelings of love, infatuation, and passion. It can bring about a sense of euphoria, excitement, and a strong desire to be close to the person of interest. These intense emotions can lead to an increased focus on the romantic partner and a preoccupation with thoughts of the relationship.

4. Sexual Attraction: Sexual attraction arouses sexual desire and interest in engaging in sexual activities with another person. It can trigger physical and physiological responses, such as increased heart rate, heightened sensitivity, and sexual fantasies. Sexual attraction plays a significant role in romantic and sexual relationships, contributing to the development of intimacy and sexual fulfilment.

5. Aesthetic Attraction: Aesthetic attraction brings about a sense of pleasure, appreciation, and emotional response to beauty and aesthetics. It can evoke feelings of joy, inspiration, or awe when experiencing visually or experientially appealing stimuli. Aesthetic attraction can contribute to personal well-being, creativity, and a sense of enjoyment in various aspects of life, such as art, design, nature, and sensory experiences.

The effects of each type of attraction can vary depending on individual preferences, cultural influences, and personal experiences. It`s important to note that these types of attraction can intersect and intertwine in real-life situations, and individuals may experience a combination of attractions simultaneously or develop preferences that prioritise certain types over others.

How to deal with each type of attraction

Dealing with each type of attraction requires a thoughtful and individualised approach. Here are some general strategies for navigating and managing different types of attraction:

1. Physical Attraction:

- Recognise that physical attraction is natural and normal. It is important to acknowledge and appreciate physical beauty without objectifying or reducing individuals solely to their appearance.

- Focus on developing a well-rounded connection beyond physical attraction. Take the time to get to know the person on a deeper level, emphasising shared interests, values, and emotional compatibility.

- Communicate openly and honestly with the person of interest about your feelings and intentions. It is essential to establish clear boundaries, consent, and mutual respect.

2. Emotional Attraction:

- Cultivate self-awareness and reflect on your own emotional needs and desires. Consider whether the attraction is reciprocated and whether pursuing it aligns with your values and goals.

- Prioritise open and honest communication. Share your feelings and intentions with the person you are emotionally attracted to, allowing for a deeper understanding of each other`s perspectives and expectations.

- Be mindful of potential power dynamics or imbalances in emotional attraction. Strive for a balanced and healthy emotional connection where both parties feel respected and valued.

3. Romantic Attraction:

- Take time to understand your own feelings and motivations. Reflect on the reasons behind your romantic attraction and consider whether it aligns with your values, goals, and what you seek in a relationship.

Be honest with yourself about the intensity of your feelings and the potential impact they may have on your emotional well-being.

If appropriate and comfortable, consider communicating your feelings with the person you are attracted to. Open and honest communication can create clarity and foster a deeper understanding between both parties.

Be prepared for different outcomes, including the possibility that the romantic attraction may not be mutual. Respect the other person`s feelings and boundaries.

4. Sexual Attraction:

- Prioritise consent and communication. It is crucial to have open and honest discussions about boundaries, desires, and comfort levels. Respect the autonomy and agency of both parties involved.

- Educate yourself about safe and consensual sexual practices. Understand the importance of consent, protection, and mutual satisfaction.

- Consider the emotional and relational implications of acting on sexual attraction. Evaluate whether a potential sexual relationship aligns with your personal values, expectations, and long-term goals.

5. Aesthetic Attraction:

- Allow yourself to appreciate and enjoy the beauty around you. Whether it`s art, nature, or other sensory experiences, immerse yourself in the aesthetic appeal while maintaining a balanced perspective.

- Engage in creative pursuits or activities that enable you to express and explore your own aesthetic preferences.

- Practice mindfulness and gratitude, appreciating the aesthetic beauty in everyday life.

Remember that dealing with different types of attraction requires self-awareness, open communication, and consideration of personal values and boundaries. It is important to approach attractions with respect, consent, and the well-being of oneself and others in mind. If needed, seeking guidance from trusted friends, mentors, or professionals can provide additional support in navigating the complexities of attraction.


It is important to note that attraction is subjective and can vary from person to person. Different individuals may prioritise and experience attraction differently based on their unique preferences, experiences, and cultural backgrounds. Additionally, attraction can evolve and change over time as individuals develop deeper connections and engage in personal growth.

Attraction is a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. While initial attraction may be influenced by physical features, long-term connections are often built on emotional compatibility, shared values, and mutual interests. Understanding the various types of attraction can help individuals navigate relationships, understand their preferences, and foster meaningful connections with others.

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Amarjeet Kaur


Amarjeet Kaur is a counselling psychologist and a subject matter expert for mental health. She holds a master's degree in Counselling Psychology. Her interest lies in individual and relationship counselling. She is quite passionate about spreading mental health awareness especially in the lower socio-economic parts of society.

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